New and changed text strings

Discussion and questions regarding to the translation of FreeCommander XE
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Changes for release 893 compared to 892

#166 Post by Marek » 15.08.2023, 21:13

New texts

34115=Other backup operation is in progress now.
35773=File: other detail columns
35774=Folder: other detail columns
36477=Free space context menu
36822="Size*" columns - calculate size from all subfolders
57085=Target path
57086=Copy to selected folders or links in the target panel
58127=Delete to recycle bin
58128=Delete to recycle bin - no confirmation
58129=recycle bin

59300=no_translate: Dialog Define backup folder
59301=Define backup folder
59302=Base folder:
59303=Subfolder name:
59304=Optional - add part of the subfolder name:

Changed texts

35771=File: first detail column
35772=Folder: first detail column
36821=Columns: Files, Items, Folders - calculate the number from all subfolders
71511=Toggle between creating one or more folders
71705=mmm = Month using abbreviation (Jan)
71706=mmmm = Month using full name (January)
71709=ddd = Day using abbreviation (Sun)
71710=dddd = Day using full name (Sunday)

actExtrStartFcWithNewIni=Start new instance of FreeCommander with default settings;Starts FreeCommander as new instance with default parameters
actFileDeleteToRecycleBinFC=Delete to recycle bin (FC);Deletes selected items to recycle bin - when allowed by recycle bin properties (otherwise delete is permanently).
actFileDeleteToRecycleBinFCNoDlg=Delete to recycle bin (FC) - no dialog; Deletes selected items to recycle bin without dialog - when allowed by recycle bin properties (otherwise delete is permanently). The command executor is FreeCommander.
actFileDeleteToRecycleBinWin=Delete to recycle bin (Win);Deletes selected items to recycle bin - when allowed by recycle bin properties (otherwise delete is permanently).

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Location: Germany

Changes for release 894 compared to 893

#167 Post by Marek » 17.08.2023, 20:02

New texts

actEditFocusNextPageItem=Focus next page item; Set focus to the item on the next page (same as PgDn key)
actEditFocusPrevPageItem=Focus previous page item; Set focus to the item on the previous page (same as PgUp key)
actViewImgBrowser1024=Thumbnails 1024 ; Switches to Thumbnails view 1024 pixels

Changed texts

36822="Size..." columns - calculate size from all subfolders
58008=Delete permanently
58122=Delete permanently - no confirmation

actFileDeleteToRecycleBinFC=Delete to recycle bin (FC);Deletes selected items to recycle bin - when allowed by recycle bin properties (otherwise delete is permanent).
actFileDeleteToRecycleBinFCNoDlg=Delete to recycle bin (FC) - no dialog; Deletes selected items to recycle bin without confirmation dialog - when allowed by recycle bin properties (otherwise delete is permanent). The command executor is FreeCommander.
actFileDeleteToRecycleBinWin=Delete to recycle bin (Win);Deletes selected items to recycle bin - when allowed by recycle bin properties (otherwise delete is permanent).

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Location: Germany

Changes for release 895 compared to 894

#168 Post by Marek » 26.09.2023, 21:05

New texts

37136=Size in GB
37137=Size in TB
37138=Size of all items in GB
37139=Size of all items in TB
37140=Size on disk in GB
37141=Size on disk in TB
37142=Size of all items on disk in GB
37143=Size of all items on disk in TB
60031=Filter only name: test
60032=Filter only path: |test
60033=Filter name and path: :test
60034=Set font color for selected items
67943=Define profiles

actEditToggleSelection=Toggle selection; Toggles between defined selection modes; default: Select all files, Select all Items, Deselect all
actExtrToggleFontSize=Toggle font size;Toggles font size between 8, 9 and 10

Changed texts

37107=Auto size (KB, MB, GB, TB, PB)
37111=Auto size - all items (KB, MB, GB, TB, PB)
37115=Auto size - on disk (KB, MB, GB, TB, PB)
37119=Auto size - all items on disk (KB, MB, GB, TB, PB)

actEditSelectNameUnderCursor=Select files with same name;Selects files with same name in the active panel
actFileDeleteToRecycleBinFCNoDlg=Delete to recycle bin (FC) - no confirmation; Deletes selected items to recycle bin without confirmation dialog - when allowed by recycle bin properties (otherwise delete is permanent). The command executor is FreeCommander.
actViewTabOpenLastlyClosedTab=Tab: Reopen last closed tab;Opens the last closed tab in the active panel

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Location: Germany

Changes for release 897 compared to 895

#169 Post by Marek » 23.10.2023, 20:45

New texts

67950=Make folder list - Profiles
67951=Add header row
67952=Add field names row
67953=Add summary per folder
67954=Add total summary
67955=Dividing line
67956=Length in characters
67957=Char to draw
67958=Fields separator char
67959=Folder text pattern:
67960=File text pattern:
67964=Add new item
67966=Remove from the list
67967=Move up
67968=Move down
67971=Profile - character separated fields (csv)
67972=Profile - fixed length fields
67973=Profile - line pattern
67974=Profile name

actViewThumbsPopupmenu=Show popup menu for thumbnails;Shows the popup menu for thumbnails
actViewThumbSizeIncrement=Increase thumbnail size;Increases the thumbnail size in the active panel
actViewThumbSizeDecrement=Decrease thumbnail size;Decreases the thumbnail size in the active panel

Changed texts

55202=With "Run as Administrator" dialog

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Location: Germany

Changes for release 898 compared to 897

#170 Post by Marek » 06.11.2023, 21:48

New texts

4611=Do you want to delete (recycle bin) the existing file?
4620=Open Favorite Set %s

actEditNcSelection=NC-Mode (Sticky selection); Changes the value of the option "Select items in NC-Mode"

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Location: Germany

Changes for release 899 compared to 898

#171 Post by Marek » 21.11.2023, 19:09

New texts

34646=Function: Last used tab (select from tab list)
34647=Only tabs from active pane
34648=Show quick filter for list filtering
57087=Use recycle bin when overwriting

Changed texts

69514=Delete to recycle bin

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Location: Germany

Changes for release 900 compared to 899

#172 Post by Marek » 09.12.2023, 15:32

New texts

45006=Password is too long

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Changes for release 903 compared to 900

#173 Post by Marek » 16.01.2024, 20:23

New texts

4612=Quick copy %s
4613=Quick move %s
34241=Quick operations
39018=Built-in icons
43020=Built-in icons
55231=Remove icon
55232=Built-in icons

71800=no_translate: Quick operations
71801=Define a maximum of 10 target paths per quick operation
71804=Target path
71805=Start type
71807=Clear item
71808=Copy operations
71809=Move operations
71810=Confirmation dialog
71811=Run without confirmation
71812=Add to queue without confirmation
71813=Current folder - create archive
71814=Current folder - unpack to subfolder

actQuickOpCopy=Quick copy
actQuickOpMove=Quick move

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Changes for release 904 compared to 903

#174 Post by Marek » 14.02.2024, 21:32

New texts

36004=default size
71815=Select folder...
71816=Move up
71817=Move down
71818=Allow change path
71819=Allow changing target path via popup dialog
71820=A quick operation with a changeable target folder does not exist
71821=Set target path for quick operation
71822=Open target folder
71823=Open target folder in the inactive panel
71824=Leave empty for using current folder name
71825=Perform quick operation for selected items in the source folder:
71826=Select target folder:
71827=Use keys 1,...,9,0 for starting operations 1,...,9,10
71828=No selected items found in the active panel

actDirFilterSet1=Reusable filter 1; Sets the reusable filter number 1 in the active panel
actDirFilterSet2=Reusable filter 2; Sets the reusable filter number 2 in the active panel
actDirFilterSet3=Reusable filter 3; Sets the reusable filter number 3 in the active panel
actDirFilterSet4=Reusable filter 4; Sets the reusable filter number 4 in the active panel
actDirFilterSet5=Reusable filter 5; Sets the reusable filter number 5 in the active panel
actDirFilterSet6=Reusable filter 6; Sets the reusable filter number 6 in the active panel
actDirFilterSet7=Reusable filter 7; Sets the reusable filter number 7 in the active panel
actDirFilterSet8=Reusable filter 8; Sets the reusable filter number 8 in the active panel
actDirFilterSet9=Reusable filter 9; Sets the reusable filter number 9 in the active panel
actDirSortDateCreated=Sort: Created Date/Time ; Sorts all items by created date - active panel
actDirSortDateCreated_Left=Sort left panel: Created Date/Time ; Sorts all items by created date - left panel
actDirSortDateCreated_Right=Sort right panel: Created Date/Time ; Sorts all items by created date - right panel
actQuickOpSetTargetPath=Quick operation - set target path ...; Change target path for quick operation
actQuickOpExecuteCopy=Perform quick copy ...; Start quick copy operation from the popup selection list
actQuickOpExecuteMove=Perform quick move ...; Start quick move operation from the popup selection list

Changed texts


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Changes for release 905 compared to 904

#175 Post by Marek » 13.03.2024, 19:59

New texts

34649=Show close button on all tabs
35820=Defined TEMP folder does not exists or is not writeable
56100=Unmark all with name pattern...
56101=--Mark by path--
56102=Mark all with the path pattern...
56103=Unmark all with the path pattern...

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Changes for release 906 compared to 905

#176 Post by Marek » 11.04.2024, 20:02

New texts

57088=Self-extracting archive was not created. The self-extracting (SFX) stub is not defined or does not exists.


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