Please add the File association by extension

Suggestions and feature requests.
Posts: 6
Joined: 21.07.2008, 12:16

Please add the File association by extension

#1 Post by Aid_Belial » 21.07.2008, 12:49

It is the fine features for using FC as portable file manager

1. User can set association by extension or by file mask and specify the program for this;
2. File path should be absolute (с:\programs\viewers\program.exe) or relative (.\viewers\program.exe, '.\' - is current FC directory) also should be possible to set in path the system variables %TEMP% (%MyBinPath%\office\office.exe);
3. User press Enter or by double-click on file in panels - file should opened in program which is associated with this file type;

Thank you.

Posts: 8
Joined: 28.10.2008, 01:38

Open extension

#2 Post by animeaime » 28.10.2008, 02:07

I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but I use the Editor function (F4) to do this. I set the extensions, and which program under Settings -> Programs.

Here, you can set the extensions you want, and the program to run. Use %FcSrcDrive% (for FreeCommander Source Drive), or another local environment variable to set up relative paths.

For example, I have one set up for "*.7z;*.zip;*.rar" to be edited in PeaZip. Both, FreeCommander and PeaZip are on my USB drive. The program that is run is "%FcSrcDrive%\PeaZip\peazip.exe". This way, whenever I press F4 when a .7z, .zip, or .rar file is selected, the given file is opened in PeaZip and I can extract the files, or do whatever with them.

Hope this helps.


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